This common phenomenon suggests that a quantum of light is not perfectly 'zipped' (sealed) with its electric & magnetic properties internally.
Light energy is the expenditure of mass (m) in the µ0 ε0 (magnetic constant times electric constant). This means that if mass is free from magnetic-electric disturbance, it is light energy.
On contrary, if energy (E) propagates in the µ0 ε0 , mass is produced.
Inside a substance or object (magnetic-electric exerter), an electromagnetic energy has a tendency to express a mass property or to be affected by the object.
The electric & magnetic properties of the photons are INTERNALLY utilized by the radiation.
As the radiation becomes heavier (photons content), the electrofilents & magnetofilents of the photons become more susceptible to strong external (foreign) magnetic field inside a substance.
Every radiation is composed of an aggregation of particles. And every particle iN that radiation has a movability (v), measured in length (distance) per unit of time .
In the equation

the movability (v) of (every) particle in the radiation is directly proportional to the Planck's constant (h) and inversely proportional to the product of the particle's mass (m) and the radiation's succession distance (x).
the succession between two weakest quanta has a distance (x) of 299 792 458 meters, or could be interpreted : a weakest quantum has a stretchability-length ( λ ) 299 792 458 meters. With this, we can know the mass of a photon (weakest quantum, or quantum composed of a single photon) by re-expressing the said formula :

since the movability (v) of a photon is its internal tenderic velocity (c), then its "v" is equivalent to "c" -traditionally called 'the speed of light'.
The formula suggests that every quantum of electromagnetic ray has an unexpressed mass.

Gamma rays are convertible into electron rays. It is a matter of zipping and unzipping the electric & magnetic properties of their particles (photons). The said properties are like the fingers or teeth and we called electrofilents (electenderic properties) and magnetofilents (magnetenderic properties). Either of the rays has zipped filents, though arranged in different ways.
The 'zipper' of an electromagnetic ray is rigidly enough to resist an external (foreign) magnetic or electric field.
But the 'zipper' of electron ray is loosely to be easily unzipped by a foreign magnetic field.
There is a proper and an improper (reversed) zipper. Negatron (negative electron) has a proper (stable) zipper, whereas positron has an improper (unstable) zipper. Because of this improper zipper the positive electron radiation is too unstable to be constructed into atom together with the negative proton, which also has improper zipper.
The arrangement of the electrofilents and magnetofilents in radiation has something to do with the properness and improperness of the zipper.